Jennifer Geacone-Cruz

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Fronteers 2017: Perfectly Portable is coming to Amsterdam

Since I last gave my Perfectly Portable talk at Code.talks Hamburg in 2015, I've been looking forward to updating it with things that you asked for in your post-talk feedback, as well as expanding it with a deeper look at some of the highlights of Japanese mobile web development history that are so fascinating.

Luckily for me, the amazing team over at Fronteers Conference 10 have kindly included Perfectly Portable in their talk lineup for the Amsterdam-based conference in October!

I'll be bringing you not only an updated version of the talk, but I'll be going more in-depth than ever before! It's an honour to be on a such a fantastic lineup of speakers, including some really good friends of mine. I can't wait to see you all in Amsterdam this fall.

More details to come....